Tuesday, August 11, 2015

While (Shelley=Crazy) {Printf("Help!\n);}


I've been trying to work on a program that:

  1. Asks users to enter a positive number from 1-23.
  2. Verifies that the number matches the criteria
    1. If it does, a program should run.
    2. If it doesn't, the user should be prompted to Retry: until they are smart enough to realize what the program is asking for.
Again... yowzer. For some reason my brain can't get around it. I am trying to nest a do...while loop in an if...else statement. I'm not entirely sure it's legal, but I like to live dangerously. Or rather, I'd like it to run correctly. Right now, it gets stuck in an endless Retry: loop, even when the user enters a valid input. Sigh. 

I am pretty sure I'm on attempt #50. Enter inspirational quote about Edison trying a gajillion times before landing on the right composition for the lightbulb. 

Oh well. Always tomorrow. And the next day... and then the next day.

Some loop resources I've stumbled upon along the way:

Ok. Before I pull my hair out, I'm going to bed. Grace Hopper, give me strength to face the fools at work tomorrow.

Monday, August 10, 2015


I am already a nerd, but apparently I'm not the right kind of nerd. Who knew?!

To be fair, I do work in the software industry. I came in the door as a technical writer - straight out of college with an undergrad in English - and I've risen much further than I thought I could in this industry with my background in Humanities.

But I've also been frustrated that I don't feel like I fit. I work with nerds, and I like it most of the time, but (truth be told), I am a little envious of this skill set they have. And even more truthier (no, that's not a REAL word...) I'd like to have more options.

I like being an anomaly in my office, but I want to be the right kind of anomaly. Yep. You are right. I want to be a GIRL that can PROGRAM. So, I'm taking unofficial, super quiet baby steps to move in that direction. And, I'm not gonna lie. It's hard.

One of the best ways that I learn is by keeping lists -- of resources, of problems and their solutions, of frustrations, of break-throughs, and of whatever I stumble across that makes sense.

So that is this. A work in progress.

Just like me.